Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Working Up To Speed

I sense the summer winding down, even though the days are still long and hot.  There is a coolness to the mornings and evening arrives earlier these days.  Each week we have added another activity to our routine as we ramp up to a full fall schedule: first school started, the next week soccer, then Awanas and this week preschool for Caleb.  Next week begins my small group and then we'll be at full tilt!  I hope I have time to breathe!

The last hurrah of our summer zinnias

We had to say goodbye to our favorite babysitter who went away to college - boo!
More soccer photos soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Day of School, 2012

We are headed Back to School!
(yes, I hear that's early compared to a lot of people)

Faith Ready for First Grade
Jake Ready for Third Grade

Mommy is Super-Proud!

And look at our newest adventure ... riding the bus home each afternoon!
Can you see the tiny specs making their way up the street? 
They love it and get home earlier than when I picked the up last year.
 It's working well for us, Caleb can't wait for his turn.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Faith lost her first tooth!

Can you see it?

She is very proud of the $1.50 from the Tooth Fairy!

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