When I lived in Georgia, Amy was my first friend. Our families became close through working together both at church and employment, as well as various life seasons. I was so glad when she said they were coming to the Smoky Mountains for a cabin getaway!
The whole Saylor Clan was there, but this is Amy's immediate family:
Johnny, Amy & Daniel
My sweet Caleb
Sweet Faith
Fishing was the theme - Jake loved it!
Jonah loved the worms - ewww!
There was fishing success!
It was a little boy paradise.
Then there was pizza & hot tub time.

Caleb loved the hot tub!
Amy, thank you for sharing so much of your life with me - I'm better for having you as a friend.
It's sweet how our Lord knows just what we need and provides abundantly. I wish I could insert a photo of Amy and I ten years ago...but I wasn't digital then - oh well, she hasn't changed a bit!
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